Benefits of Robust CRC Management
Thursday 16th March 2017
The last Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) scheme year will be from April 2018 – March 2019, with reporting completed in July 2019, and the final carbon allowance payments to be made in September 2019. This means that there are 3 more annual reports to be submitted between now and the end of the scheme.
The Environment Agency publish (and update) a list of CRC participants who have not complied with their legal requirements over the scheme years and as such received a civil penalty. This transparency on non compliance shows the approach that the Environment Agency will likely continue with until the end of the scheme; highlighting the importance of robust processes and ongoing internal validation of CRC Annual Reports and Evidence Packs
E2 Services have recently received some very satisfying feedback as a result of a successful CRC external audit for a client. The CRC participant in question was praised for meeting CRC compliance criteria; highlighting the impressive systems in place for managing CRC. This positive result cements the importance of turn-key CRC management. In short, internal CRC audits promoting continual improvement form a crucial part of CRC compliance. Firm processes and systems will considerably aid Environment Agency external audits, should your organisation be chosen.
Laura Hunt, Compliance Consultant