CRC Registry Identity Management Update
Friday 10th March 2017
Participant Update - Action Required: As of early April'17 the Environment Agency are moving away from the Government Gateway password system (currently used for Contacts to access the CRC registry) to a new ID and password system. This will render existing logins defunct.
In order to link your CRC account each named user must perform the below, before 27th March 2017.
1- Log into the CRC Registry using your existing ID and password.
2- When you log in you will be provided with a new ID and asked to create a password.
3- It is important that you make a note of both your new CRC User ID and your new password.
4- This new ID and password is to be used after the new system goes live in April'17; in the meantime please continue to use your existing ID and password.
If the above actions are not completed by 27th March'17 you will need to be removed as a contact and then re-added as a contact in order to generate a new known facts and PIN letter; this is generally a long winded process. Therefore, completing the above steps ahead of the deadline is advisable!
Laura Hunt, Complaince Consultant